Monday, February 21, 2005
Life in Japan
Well, i've been in japan for a couple of days now, so i thought it was about time that I updated my blog. It's different here... everything is so over stimulating. it's a sea of colour, noise, and smell. I've forgotten what it's like to be in a country where you don't speak the language, and are even unable to read. Eating at restaurants is interesting. Thank God a lot of them have photos on their menu or at the front... you actually choose what you want from the photos or the display. Other than that, the only japanese i've picked up is hello (konichiwa) , goodbye (sayonara), thank you (arigato gozimus), yes (hai). We're getting by though. And my attempts to say thankyou in japanese always earn me a smile, i can't help but wonder if it has to do with the way i've massacred their language, or the appreciation of an attempt?
We spent our first couple of days in Shizuoka. Doing some shopping and some sightseeing. We went to a shrine that was pretty cool. We also climbed 105 steps to get to the top of it. It was a good climb... worth the view. There is also a castle that we went to see... not much left of it now. it's pretty neat to imagine how it would have been with Samaraui running around. I'd really like to see a samarai, i'll keep my eyes peeled though.
Last night we went out for dinner and to someone's going away party. This involved a drunken night of Kareoke with about 20 of Christies friends. Funny stuff indeed. Thankfully you get a small room for all the people you came with. then you pay a flat rate and get to drink all you can drink for an hour or two. funny stuff indeed.

My parents arrive in Shizuoka tomorrow. That's when we'll be surprising my dad. Then from there, the real part of the trip begins. We've got rail passes, so we'll be off to Hiroshima, Kyoto, and Tokyo, maybe some other places too. IT should be good times
Stories and pictures to follow.... Sayonara!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Tracy,
We are both in a different country!! CanĀ“t wait to hear your stories and to tell you all mine!

Love ya,

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