Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Chronicles of the Romantically Challenged
There is something about being half naked and between sheets with someone's hands all over you that can really make you open up. Things you normally wouldn't say can be said.... why is that? Thank God for massage therapists. Maybe it's the 'therapist' in them.

So I'm getting a massage the other day and the therapist and I were talking about how we need to go out, have fun, and meet new people. More specifically, men. Unfortunately, Prince Charming isn't going to come knock down my door and whisk me away. That's too bad really. I even learned to ride a horse -- just in case.

Apparently, there is a 31 year old Mormon in Utah that's single. Apparently that is also scandalous and heavily frowned upon. So his friends sought out the personal ad to end all personal ads -- a billboard. I found a picture of it. It's someone else's blog, so just scroll down till you find it. Or you can also check out the Official Date Lance Website. It's kind of funny. Doesn't tell you a whole lot about him, just the basics. I do think it's a big marketing publicity scam. Read some of the comments from people who know him. He works in marketing. Nonetheless, it's entertaining. If i lived in Utah, and were Mormon (two things that will never happen), I'd be tempted to request a date, just to say that I did.

Maybe If I'm still single at 31, I'll get a billboard too. Maybe.


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