Sunday, July 10, 2005
I don't know what I noticed first. It must have been the way he showed up everywhere.

If I was at work, I seemed to notice him in the hallway or the cafeteria.
If I was at school, he often appeared in the library.
Once, and maybe just once, I even spotted him at my Superstore.

He never looked put together. Infact, he always looks slightly disheveled. His white hair is longish and constantly tousled. His dark skin is smooth, but worn. It looks too big for him. With every lesson learned another line upon his face.
The tails of a white dress shirt often peak out from under a long sweater. His pants look like they've been around for just as long as he has. The small pilly balls of lint on his sweater is a testament to time. The clothes are always slightly too big, especially the pants. It looks as if he is swimming in them.

At first, I dismissed him with my short glances. He wasn't interested in making eye contact, and quite frankly, neither was I. I came to recognize him from a distance. It was hard not to. Eventually, I would offer a smile as we crossed paths, but never has the smile been returned.

Today, we sat face to face in the cafeteria. From a boundray of about 15 feet, I looked at him and smiled. The gestures and arm movements I had noticed out of the corner of my eye came to an abrupt halt. He looked at me as if he was paralyzed for a brief second, and then he quickly turned his head. I didn't want to stare, so I too, turned my head.

There seems to be a lot of mystery surrounding him. I've heard several different stories, and I don't know which one to beleive, or if any of them are even true. One day, I"ll ask him


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And if you ever find out the story, please let me know! and who is he talking to so animatedly at dinner every day???

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