Sunday, August 14, 2005
I'm 1952 and looking for a fight
In Burnaby, BC, a man recieved a coupon for a 7 day trial to a local fitness gym. He goes to make use of this, but he is denied. The problem? The Gym was Just Women Fitness Centre. The receptionist denied him entry. He thinks it's unfair that he can't join. Now, he's trying to change this.
In the interveiw with CTV news, he states that he feels he is being discriminated against. He is a construction worker and feels that the stereotypes of construction workers should not be imposed on him-- he's not like that. He just wants to find a gym so he can get into shape.

Arguably, women's fitness centres do discriminate against men. However, I don't think it's unreasonable, its stated in the name that the service they provide is for women.
What i find the most disturbing is that the gym he is trying to join is specifically for women. No one has denied him access to a co-ed facility. Women's centres have a very specific clientele: WOMEN.
Buddy came accross as arrogant and annoying. He wants to join this gym to prove his point. I don't think he has a point. Maybe someone should point him in the direction of a co-ed facility and tell him to cut his losses. I wouldnt want him at my gym.


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