Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Hopelessly Devoted
Some friends tipped me off to a word puzzle game : Playbabble. Essentially, it's a cross between Scrabble and Boggle (I almost typed blogger!). There is a board of letters, and the object is to make as many words as you can, but the letters must be connected and there is no using the same tile twice. It's a challenging game. People write and give each other clues. The puzzle is open for 24 hours. The number of words you can expect to find in the puzzle is posted. I've currently found about half of the words in todays puzzle. I"ve been playing so much, I've been neglecting the beading business.... and I have orders to fill for tomorrow!
On a side note, I also went to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory tonight. I think i liked this version better from the original. It strayed a bit from the original, so now I'm curious to know which one is closer to the book. Anyone have a copy I can borrow? In any event, it was funny. Except no one in the theatre, besides my roomie, laughed at what I thought was the cleverest and wittiest joke in the whole movie. I think it's nuts.

Back to beading....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey tracy lowe!
I have a copy you might be able to borrow!!! I'll just have to find it somewhere in all this mess... although I'm pretty sure I know where it is.

Blogger Tracy said...

That would be awesome... but it would probably cost you as much to mail it as it would for me to buy a new one! I'm gonna check out the library again and see if it's back. Thanks HM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tracy - For someone who calls herself a "literacy program co-ordinator" you really should be way more careful with your spelling and grammar! The level of writing skill demonstrated on your blog is pretty low.

Blogger Tracy said...


I'm sorry that that is the impression you have of my blog. Yes, there are often spelling and grammar mistakes. It is because I like to write it journal style. This blog is a place for me to practice creative writing. I don't usually take the time to edit and proof my own work, because I like to leave it raw and how it was written. This is something I do for fun, not to put food on the table.

If you're still reading, feel free to edit and inform me of necessary changes. I appreciate any help I can get. But in the future, I really will be way more careful with my spelling and grammer. Both in and on my blog.

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