Monday, August 08, 2005
It's so hot in my appartment right now. Finnigan is lying on the floor, he's on his back with his paws in the air. It's pretty funny. I'm lying on my couch, wearing the least amount of clothing that I can bear. Now before you get worried, imaginative or grossed out, I should inform you that this means an excercise tanktop and some pajama capris. Nothing more. Nothing less.

So the pressure is on for me to not only write a blog, and post, but for it to be funny, witty and charming. Some days I can hack it, (or I like to think that I can), and somedays, I can't. I'm thinking today is leaning towards can't.

I ran into Joan (Hi Joan, i know you're reading), today in Emerg whilst i was there delivering a chart and showing off new Toronto silk skirt. She begged me to blog because it's been a while, or a weekend, whatever. She said she was bored, and kept checking to see if I had written yet. She also told me that when she couldn't sleep at 5 am, she checked my blog to see if i had posted recently. Does that mean my blog has a sedative value to it.... Doctors everywhere will have to stop prescribing sleeping pills. No one will need them anymore.

So here I am, babbling, with hopes of keeping Joan entertained, and maybe even a few others along the way. I'm bored out of my little tree and I can't think of anything to write. I'm still trying to put the weekend into persepective. I had a great weekend, full of overindulgences. I'll see if I can get you a story of preprosterous ponderings later. I've got a whole lot of beading to catch up on.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, you might be taking this blog thing all to seriously...

Blogger Tracy said...

After tracking down the anonoymous commenter I leave them with this :

"The best thing you've ever done for me is to help me take my life less seriously -- it's only life afterall."

and no i don't think that's it

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