Friday, August 05, 2005
Basking in Buskers
They're back.
I love the Buskers. Today, i went right after work. Which means 7 hours ago, I finished an 8 hour shift. To the delight of my cats, I have just returned chez moi. It was a night well enjoyed.... Buskers, Beer, Food, Beer, Buskers, home.... how could it not be fun?

So after watching people do all sorts of crazy stunts.... acrobatics, martial arts combined with acrobatics, fire limbo poles lower than i've ever even seen anyone limbo, I wonder how? How does someone figure out how to execute these stunts and get good enough at it without hurting themselves? For me, it would not be possible.

The last show we watched tonight was a fire dancer from Australia. I want to be a fire dancer. I tried once before, and it didn't work out so well for me, I think i might try it again, but i need someone to teach me. Maybe I can find a busker who is looking for an apprentice


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