Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Greetings friends and loyal readers
how's it going? Well, i'm doing better. Amazing what some sleep can do to you.
So today i'm leaving the library, and I ran into Glenn. It was cool to see him, i haven't seen him in about... well, it's been a long time. So it was good to do the five minute on the fly i'm not so sure really what to say catch up... how do you tell someone that so much has changed in the course of a year. I've always like Glenn-- he used to scare the crap out of me. But I like the fact that you can be honest and abrupt. he tells the story as it is and the world needs more people like that. He told me that they might be getting ready to do a church plant... i hope things work out.
So not much else to say, school is finally winding down, i have a paper to do tonight, a short one. and it's gonna be a fun one to write. I'm doing a life history on my roomie. Then i have a presentation on Friday and another paper for the following friday. then i'm done like dinner!
Anyhoo, i should get going. Time to go to work and file for 8 hours! WOOO HOOOO! Later gators.
happy day to you all.


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