Saturday, April 10, 2004
back on track
I know, i've been MIA for a while, my apologies. Sometimes it's nice to just disappear for a while. Of course, i've been around and about. And the truth of the matter is that I was without internet for a couple of days. Gasp. Four whole days.
So lets see.... I have a quizzilion things to write, but you know what? I'm sure you do know what... not necessarily the what I was gonna tell you, but you prolly know somewhat.... anyhoo, back to knowing what I was gonna tell you. I'm not sure what to write about. I mean, I could tell you the entire truth, but you'd prolly be really bored and stop reading, or be really procrastinating and looking for something to distract you with.
So babysitting in a nutshell... it was great. I had fun. It's incredible how someone or something can permeate every aspect of your being when you hardly know them. Even when the kids weren't around, all I could think about was what fun activity we could do next, what were they doing at school? Did they like their lunch and recess snack? Someone just got up... are they okay? the list goes on. Kids are great little people. These two were hilarious. I tried to teach them swing dancing... funny stuff. We had fun dancing crazily, making crafts, a pj party, a makeup/dress up dinner party and just hanging out. I could tell you more about what I thought and what I really think, but you'd prolly just think I'm crazy.
but now it is back to the real world for me... school is winding down. Two assignments for Monday, one for Wednesday, a presentation on Friday and a paper the next Friday... Then I'm done for the term. Thank God!!! Anyhoo, I'm off to bed, I'm very sleepy this evening. Bonne nuit mes amies


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