Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Divine Inspiration
Well, I knew i wasn't far from it, but my room is officially enough to make me lose sleep! See, i was looking for something before bed, but i couldn't find it. So i gave up, I was sleepy, afterall. So off to bed i go (it's about 3:15 am at this point). By 3:30, i have officially convinced myself that i'm not sleepy any more, and that i should pack up some of my winter clothes, so i can pick up the summer clothes on my floor and then possibly start cleaning. An excellent idea, that must be started immeadiately. So up i get, i sort clothes, pack some up, and pick up and fold everything. So the room is looking a bit better, although there is still random crap all over it, but no worries. So then i decide that I should rip a CD to MP3, so i do that...and here I am, at twenty to five in the morning, awake for no good reason, other than the fact that there is too much on my mind for me to sleep. Once my room is clean, my thinking will be clearer...
thank God for Divine inspiration
Off to try to sleep again....


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