Saturday, August 21, 2004
summer is beginning to give up her fight
Has anyone else notice that most people tend to blog less in the summer? Maybe it's just me...
perhaps it has to do with the lack of time i spend directly at my computer procrastinating writing papers. So here I am, putting in the weekly blogging effort... you're right, i am procrastinating, this time though it's housework.
So lets see... in the miscellaneous adventures category, there seems to be a large void of events., well, at least in the past week anyway.
I'm thinking about redoing my dresser, okay, i know i'm going to. I've decided to be bold, throw caution to the wind and paint it both Pink and Red! If i pull it off, it's gonna look fantastic, if not, it'll look sickening and i'll repaint it again later. I like the idea of combining the two colours that aren't conventionally put together. they're both great, and so i'm excited. I'm just trying to decide if i want to go with a faux tile look, or if i want to do something more retro inspired with a pink background and red stripes or squares (i'd also incorporate a couple of other acccent colours). I went to get paint yesterday, but i couldn't find a colour that i wanted... and Canadian Tire couldn't colour match the samples i had brought them... i will have to plan my next move ... benjamin moore is what i'm thinking.... ($$$$) there has to be a cheaper alternative
So other than that, i melted my food processor to the stove earlier this week.... it was a smelly disaster. The food processor is now officially garbage. Sad but true.
that's about all the news in my world. Anyhoo, i'm off to maybe try to do a bit of stuff before I go back to work tonight
later gators


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