Sunday, October 30, 2005
History Lesson
Wait for it.  The silence is unbearable.  If that was me in that situation, what would I do? What would I say?  How do you react to that?  Is normal ever going to be possible again?  And I’m waiting, waiting to see what happens.  Paralyzed in my seat, eyes focused intently on the big screen.  Fade to black.  Waiting for that one last scene that’s going to tie it all together, answer the questions left running through my head and then nothing.  Well, the credits.  What, did they run out of tape? Forget to change the reel?

Tonight, Marti, Crazy Mike and I went to see The History of Violence.  It left the viewer with more questions than answers.  I can’t get it out of my head.  Not even a little.

I actually liked the movie.  It kept me guessing a lot of the way through.  A little gory, and a little graphic at times, but overall well done.  Well, done in the way it was different, and I do like different movies.

There were a few things that bothered me in the movie, some things that seemed improbable, but given the end of the movie I’m starting to understand them in the greater context.

So, yep, this is vague.  I don’t want to ruin any part of the movie.  I would say though, go and see it.  Then I can tell you what I really think.  But truthfully, I need to find the clues… I need to see it once more.


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