Saturday, October 29, 2005
I'm not calling in sick, I'm just too stupid to come in to work today
Earlier this week, I felt that work would be a safer place if I didn’t go.  I wasn’t sick, so calling in ‘sick’ wasn’t an option.  I just woke up stupid.  Very stupid.Anyone who knows me knows that morning is not something I do well – not even a little.  But this particular morning, it was worse than usual.  I sat up straight in bed and waited for the radio and the digital display on my cell phone to confirm what day of the week it was.  I couldn’t remember where I was working, let alone what time I was supposed to be there.  Funny enough, nothing had changed.  I’m a 10-2 Monday to Friday kind of girl.

I managed to remember how to work my legs – sort of.  As I untangled myself from my blankets, I stumbled and bumbled till I found the shower.  Just before turning on the water, I realized I’d come a lot cleaner if I took off my pjs.  I never have liked being naked.

I was feeling a little more optimistic and ready to tackle the world after my shower.  Teeth were brushed, last night’s makeup finally removed.  Aside from rainy day clothes, I had nothing to plan my outfit around.  I took my time, wandering aimlessly around my room.  I decided that my face needed moisturizing so I opened up the Fridge (the wardrobe one), and squirted the first pump I found into my hand.  I lathered it between two hands then smeared it all over my face.  It smelled precariously like my hair stuff… oh wait, that’s exactly what it was – sticky straightening balm.  I retreated to the bathroom to try washing my face one more time.  

Finally, I double checked myself.  Both shoes were the same, I had underwear on.  I matched (after 3 or 4 attempts).  Skirt- check. Top – check, shoes – check.  And I left.  Thinking about nothing but making it to work where Tim Horton’s always has a pot of coffee.  Although, this day, I think I needed an IV of coffee.  


Blogger Christie said...

Workplaces really should provide stupid days...i think they really do happen to the best of us and it really would be in everyones best interest if we didn't have to go in on days like those...boy oh boy have i ever had my share of them, and trying to sound like a convincing ESL teacher when making up excuses for the lack of logic in the English language...stupid days are a necessity i think...

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