Friday, December 23, 2005
Still Frames and Snapshots in My Mind
Much like the rest of my life, my collection of photographs is very helter skelter and in no particular order.  I pulled down one of my photo albums today because I was looking for a particular photo.  But it’s amazing how many other photos I had forgotten about.

There are some funny photos with some funny stories.  Most of the photos made me laugh out loud and grin from ear to ear.

Remember the practical jokes?  Adam, what were you doing in the pancake room?
And my tinfoil room, who could forget that.  

Remember the time I wanted to have a sit-down dinner for 30 people at Larch St?  We all came together to make it happen.  Those photos still make me smile.  I think that was the best dinner party we ever had.

There were pictures of Italy, and Egypt and Scotland.  I was actually looking for pictures of Japan.  Instead, I found Germany and the photo of me drinking a Litre of beer.

I found pictures of what the fridge looked like before I transformed it into my wardrobe.  No wonder no one else saw the beauty in it.  It was in pretty rough shape when I found it.

Sky-diving and Audrey Hepburn day.  Weddings, birthdays, parties, formal dances and random times hanging out.  

So many good pictures with so many stories to be told.  Tonight, a picture really is worth a thousand words.
I might not have found that one picture I was looking for. But the little stroll down memory lane made the journey entirely worth it.


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