Wednesday, December 21, 2005
I can have my Cookie dough and eat it too

At some point in the evening, she came up to me and said not to leave without talking to her first.  I was intrigued.  Given that work was unusually pleasant we had spent a fair bit of time chatting and catching up I was confused as to what else she had to say but could not at that given moment.  I wondered if I had let any secrets slide lately.  Maybe there was a story or a thought that wasn’t appropriate for general knowledge and consumption.  I was definitely intrigued.  And I do love a good intrigue.

Coming near the end of my shift with not so many people around, I asked her.  And that’s when the secret came out.  Cookie Dough! A tub of chocolate chip cookie dough… just for me!  And if that wasn’t exciting enough, she even thought to put it in the fridge so it would thaw enough that I could indulge when I got home from work. How thoughtful is that!

So at 11:00 pm, we’re laughing and joking about purses and boys professing their undying love for me.  The thought of purses, boys and cookie dough makes me excited.  But really, the most exciting is the one I actually have in hand.   I’m on my way out, happily swinging my cookie dough, anxious to make it home.  

By 11:10 pm, I was in my happy place.  I was pajama clad  and sitting on my couch with a tub of cookie dough in hand, and a spoon, of course.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yummm...cookei dough


Blogger Robin said...

I hope your friends Sam and Ella didn't come and enjoy your cookie dough with you...

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