Saturday, February 11, 2006
So What?

So what?

It’s a large burden for such a little word.  I mean, really, think about it.  An alveolar fricative combined with a closed, mid, back vowel.  Now, it sounds more important.  So.  Say it again – just one more time.  It weighs heavier on the tongue now.

It’s a bridge.  Used to fill in gaps in the conversation.  So…. It fills awkward silence, shifts the focus of the conversation and allows a new topic to be introduced.

Said defiantly, it can defend your honour, your point of view and essentially your being.  
Said inquisitively, it opens up the floor for discussion, clarification and even more questions.

Said mildly, it welcomes conversation with the comfort of a down-filled duvet in the middle of winter.  With the right tone from the right friend it shows concern.  It’s an open ended conversation with the intent to do more listening than talking.  

So is about making transitions.  It’s about defining conversations and personalities while asking the questions mildy.  It’s a small word with great expectations.
So?  So what?


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