Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Missing.... in action
I have been missing. I apologize.

But today, I have found people I have been missing.

I went to a talk this evening. I sat next to my favorite professor. I met and chatted with 2 different people that i hadn't seen in over a year. I got to know them both through various school projects and groups. When I turned around I had a brief chat with someone who works on research grants with my current employer.

As I was leaving, I checked my cell phone. A friend I haven't seen since January had called. I called back and we chatted until I was almost home.

I made a quick detour to McDonalds. And as I nearly approached my house, I ran into the friend of a friend. I haven't seen him since September. We chatted and chatted and chatted.

And as I walked home, I couldn't help but feeling just a little more connected to the people in my neighborhood.



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