Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Do you remember the opening scene of Beauty and the Beast? Either the stage musical or the movie will do. Belle walks through the town. Everyone knows everyone, they smile, say hello and offer the same things every day. It's a habit, it's a pattern.

My morning usually goes like that. Every morning when I walk through the door of the buliding, I smile, wave and/or nod at the security staff on my way by. They always wave back. I then pick up the mail from the main floor mail slot. I take the elevator (closest to security) to the 5th floor. I drop my stuff in the office, check my email, then my voicemail. Then, I go get coffee.

As I waited by the the elevator this morning, with 2 coffees and one bottle of Orange Juice, one of the security guards called out to get my attention. I couldn't tell if he called me by name or by just saying 'excuse me". He walked hastily towards me. Stood a little too close for my liking (only about 2.5 feet between us, I like 3-4) and then said: "What is your job title?"
"My job title?"
" Yes. your job title"
So I told him. No abbreviations. No BS-ing. I gave him my very official job title. I even included the name of the organization I work for since it is a part of my job title. I gave him the two job titles I hold in the organization.
He thanked me, muttered something about being curious and walked away.

The man who was also waiting for the elevator looked at me with a look that bordered on puzzled and commiserating. He was just as confused as I was.

Strange. Very strange. and now, I can't help but feeling a little insecure around security.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

He just thinks you are cute. Don't worry.

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