Tuesday, March 23, 2004
blog Time
Okay, here i am... in the CS building at the second cup. I'm enjoying a chocolate latte. It's tasty. I'm supposed to be working on a presentation that i have to do tomorrow in Social theory class. I'm talking about (or supposed to be) discussing consumer culture and post-modernism. Blech, nope, i don't find it interesting either.
I was working, and then i started to get stressed. I guess the problem with studying in a public space, is that you have to endure the public. Normally, i'm fine, i can handle it, i like the subtle background noise... but there is this girl sitting about 10 feet from me, and she is driving me bonkers. The funny thing is, she reminds me of me. She is stressed out because of problems she is having with the Dal admin about what kind of degree she is doing... and i've been there, it sucks, it's awful, if they screw you up too much, then it could me an extra year of school. Maybe that is their plan. Anyhoo, so this poor chicky-bob over yonder who is scarily like me is driving me bonkers. Why is it that people that remind us of ourselves tend to irritate us as well. Or is it just me that finds this (this is your cue to write this in the comment field). Anyhoo, i'm now listening to the new Sarah harmer CD, my headphones are broken, but i've arranged them precariously so i can hear music in both ears, and all i have to do is watch people. Stressed out chicky bob is actually quite amusing....
so, how 'bout that post modern consumer culture


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