Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Treat Fairies and Cannibals!
So yesterday we got a crazy awesome loot from the treat fariy :D Thank you oh treat fairy!
So i'm writing a paper, eating candy, talking on MSN and feeling kind of yucky from all the candy i've eaten. As i'm telling my sister, Nadia, how excited I am about the treat fairy, and all the tasty treats which they brought... she says to me, with all honesty, "remember how mom and dad used to check our candy? Do you really think it's safe to eat random stuff that you find in your mailbox?"
Now, i must admit, i laughed, then thought, you know, the kid does have a point. So then this escalated in to a whole bunch of theories.... see, i don't think someone would try to poison us, really, what would that get them. But maybe the treat fairy has a cannibalistic side... they're trying to fatten us up to eat for dinner. Think about it... all the treats we get are treats of tasty goodness.... chcolate and ju-jubes. not the most nutritious, but definately the most delicious. So now I'm gonna keep eating the candy... and just avoid ovens, oversized pots of boiling water and campfires... because hey, you never know.


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