Sunday, June 05, 2005
The Life Of Pi
A novel that mixes philosophy with religion is not a likely read for the likes of me. Nonetheless, with a bit of determination and an unqunechable curiosity, I have just finished The Life Of Pi (Yann Martell).

In a nutshell, it's a survival story of a boy trapped on a boat with a tiger. They're all each other has in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The book was interesting. In the beginning it was so eloquently written that I was intrigued and had to keep reading. The intrigue quickly turned to needing to know what happened and what exactly was the point. Eventually the story became exhaustive... i kept reading because I still had to find the point. Today, I read through the last part of the book. Searching the pages frantically for real life parallels, deeper meaning and an explanation. I'm still working through it in my head.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't that the sign of a great book? One that gets you to thinking? I loved life of Pi especially the discussion of free will, it gave and interesting perspective, the comparison to animals in a zoo was very thought provoking.
I'm really glad you read the whole book!

Blogger Tracy said...

Yeah, the deaths did make me feel sick. But i think they were an unfortunately necessary detail.

It kind of got me thinking though, if I was in that place, what would I have done? How do you maintain hope of survival, or at what point would i have given up?

And although I've been known to say that the ending was anti-climatic, I more or less was refferring to the rescue. I liked the end. I liked how they didn't believe the story so he retold the same story, but differently, and they liked that one more. I think I"m going to read this book again, maybe in a few months though.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anticlimactic!!! Anticlimatic means that the ending was against the weather!!!

Blogger Tracy said...

I think it was night when I finished the book.

Let the record show that according to my Oxford English Dictionary :

anitclimax -- noun -- a trivial conclusion to something significant or impressive, wepecially where a climax was expected (anticlimactic -- adj)

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