Wednesday, June 01, 2005
I'm studying french right now, so in fact, it doesn't say REE- prize, it says, Ruh-pREEse
I love being a linguistic nerd.... if only i was a guru.

Well folks, I'm sorry I got you all excited, but I think i'm bailing on the head shaving challenge. Yes, I REALLY want to, but there are a few other factors stopping me. One of the main factors is I don't actually have enough hair for a wig, it has to be 6 inches when in a pony tail... mine is not. Sorry guys, I might change my mind in a couple of days, but i think that this decision is for the best right now.

I am, however, going to keep training for a 10K run.... maybe i'll do a big fundraiser then.

So if you think I should run ... tell me, if you'd rather see me shave it all've only got a short while to try and change my mind.

Over and Out

"The future is a funny thing, she told me one day, because we're the only ones who care about it"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shave it all!
Shave it all!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm still on the side for shaving it, just think of the money you would raise and how many people you could inspire through your story...

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