Saturday, March 12, 2005
Winter of Discontent
It's snowing. Another snow storm. Although, it seems lately that every time it snows, we label it a storm. Although, it is awfully windy and blowing snowish out there.
Blockbuster was packed. I walk through their parking lot, and there was cars and people everywhere. I geuss if you're going to be stuck and stranded inside.... you might as well have something to do and the conveinance of abolished late fees. Everyone seems to go to Blockbuster, Student prepare by going to the library. No sense putting off taking out books now... how will we be able to write our papers. Better pick the books up now-- just in case. I did, I know others did.
So the nice thing about another blizzard is that it looks horribly monochromatic outside. And no one notices the contrast of white on white.
I think the blizzard is contributing to my feeling of overpensiveness. Rain and snow. Why do they do that?


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