Saturday, September 24, 2005
Through the looking glass
They were missing for about one week and I was happy to finally have them back.  I popped them in their case and packed them up for a ride in the car.  Something wasn’t right about my glasses.  But I just couldn’t place it.  They seemed extra dirty.  Everything was a big foggy still.  Yes, dirty.  They needed cleaning. That was it.

Minutes after I had put them on, the sun came out.  I switched back to my sunglasses (also prescription lenses) and carefully placed my regular ones in the cup holder of the car.  I was driving.  There was no way to put them down safely.

By the time we finished our lunch on the patio, the clouds were hanging luminously in the sky.  I went to put on my glasses, but this time noticed something peculiar – there was no lens in the right eye.  Surely, I would have noticed this before.  Surely.

I scoured the car, my purse, between the seats, under the mat.  There was no speck of that car we didn’t pat down.  No luck.  I decide to cut my losses, and spend the rest of the day in my sunglasses.  Thankfully, there was enough sun to warrant that.

At home, I was slightly perturbed by the absence of one lens. The next few days were full of visiting and tourist attractions, so it left no time for looking for looking glasses.

A week later, I arrived back from Ontario.  Lo and behold, resting safely on my alarm class was my missing lens.  I ask my roomie about it, because I knew for certain it wasn’t there when I left.  She found it along side the chair in the living room.  The same place I had found my glasses on the day I went on the car adventure.  

The right lens, never did make the car trip.  That was what was wrong with my glasses.  No wonder things were so foggy.


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