Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Today was a good day.  Work went better than expected, considering all the things I wanted to accomplish today, I felt I got a decent amount of work done.  I had Sushi dinner with Sandie.  That’s always a good time.  Listened to some tunes, looked at some photos, and made some beaded jewelry.  All things I enjoy doing.  Most of those are even things I do when I am stressed—they relax me.  It felt great most of the day, and then I don’t know at what point the wind changed direction.  But then it all felt different.

Although I had been caffeine free all day, it felt like I had been drinking coffee for a solid 24 hour period. I could feel the energy fueled by emotion running through me.  I couldn’t pin point the emotion, I just knew that it was there.  I couldn’t sit still.  My head was thinking a million thoughts all at the same time.  I feel as if my skin is the only thing stopping me from going in a million different directions.  I felt shaky on the inside, and wondered if it was reflected on the outside.

I couldn’t make a decision. I wanted to stay at my friend’s place.  I wanted to go home.  I wanted to bead. I wanted to play guitar. I wanted to go for a walk.  I wanted to start jogging again.  I wanted to do all these at the very same time – right now.

Finally, I decided the best thing to do was to go home.  So here I am, pajama clad on my favorite spot on the couch with a hot cup of Tension Tamer tea.  (Which I still think is a conspiracy, but I can’t afford to take that too seriously).  I’m thinking things through, trying to shed the feeling of franticity-- a word I coined all for the sake of emphasizing of my current state of inexplicably frantic.  

Tomorrow, I’ll have an hour of free time.  Maybe I’ll go walk the labrynth.  And the next tomorrow after that, I will hopefully be back to ‘normal’.  Either that, or I’ll be bored of frantic and move on to neurotic.  I’ll keep you posted.


Blogger Michael Powell said...

I can relate there are times when I want to do about a million different things but obviously there isn't enough time. It's very fustrating

Blogger Michael Powell said...

Hey Tracy. It's a small world after all. I clicked on your friend Adam's link and he has a link on his BLOG for a guy named Mike Reid. I know Mike from Acadia. Go figure

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