Monday, January 02, 2006
After the Aftershave
They asked for our blessing.   As much fun as hanging out with a crew of night shifters in the ER was, these RCMP had their own detachment to return to.  They needed to detach from us.  

Before they could depart there were a few T’s to cross and I’s to dot.  I assisted the younger, and definitely cuter officer with the necessary paperwork.  Dutifully, he followed me from the photocopier to the fax machine.  And of course, it was duty that brought him here in the first place.

I attempted to make small talk throughout the painful process of waiting for the machines to perform our requests.  I was distracted by the faint smell of cologne, or possibly aftershave, that lingered slightly while we walked and then caught up with us as we waited patiently for the fax to send.  A smell so familiar, on someone I didn’t even know.  One of my favorite scents that haunted me with memories of you.

Finally, the fax had gone through.  He thanked me for my help, bid the department good night, and then left.  Just like that. Just like you.


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