Thursday, April 22, 2004
I love my job... i will not hit my co--workers
Okay, so today was quite possibly the crappiest day i had at work in a long time. Not only was it stupidly busy, and with crazy off the wall difficult requests, but generalized mass chaos. By 10:00 am the mantra of the day was "i will not hit my co-workers". I was so stressed out i started to think crazy thoughts like maybe i need a cigarette, or a bottle of wine, actually make that two bottles of wine. Oh stress. Oh how i love my job. Basically, someone at work screwed up big time, so it took me about 3 hours to undo and then redo correctly what had gone wrong. That was today, yesterday I spent 2 hours fixing it. Anyhoo, so we told the boss what had happened and she asked the person who had made the error to come and see me to be retrained. So i did that. But as i'm explaining to her what she did wrong, why it is wrong, how to do it right, and how to double check that it is right, she kept interrupting me explaining to me what she does-- so then i would tell her why it was wrong... i hate doing that. On a humourous note though, I was discussing soemthing with a co-worker and i was telling her what had gone wrong (because it affects her work), and she asked me if i had said anything to the other person. So i explained that i had sent an email .... they asked if it was an angry email, and i said no, it was more polite and explanatory. they all said they coulnd't picutre me mad, and if i did get mad, it would prolly be like a ned flanders kind of way. so then we had a good laugh as they tried to impersonate me as best as possible with a ned flanders voice.
On another note, the bake sale went really well. i think we raised about $275 ... so that was good
Anyhoo, i'm supposed to be writing a paper, i just had to get that out of my system. Later gators.


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