Saturday, November 05, 2005
Twice as cloudy as the night before
When I woke up this morning, my head was no clearer than it was when I went to bed.  In fact, it was so foggy, that I got halfway to work and realized that I didn’t put my glasses on this morning.  Or my rings.  I felt officially disrobed.

Just over eighty songs saw me through the 15 minute walk to work.  I don’t think I listened to anymore than 10 seconds of anyone song.  I couldn’t find what I needed to hear.  The songs were on shuffle, so I was actually waiting for it to find me.  I guess 15 minutes is a short amount of time for the 2500 songs on my ipod to sort themselves out.  
Nonetheless, by the time I arrived at work, I had come to one conclusion: I needed a Magic Eight Ball.  For sure, that would be a no fail approach to decision making.

The morning felt helter skelter.  Aside from not being able to see anything past 5 feet away clearly, or 10 feet away well, things didn’t go so great.  Not wrong, not bad, just awkward.  Most of the people I wanted to visit weren’t in their rooms, items were missing from the bags… little things, the trivial things.

By the time I ran into her, I had already made the decision. Self doubt and the beaten path had won.  I chose the path of least resistance.  Concern and astonishment on her behalf.  It really only takes one sincere look, an “I’m disappointed in you,” and an “I can’t believe you decided that.  You’re nuts. You’re missing your chance”.  Alright, I’ll concur….decision revoked.  Except for the scary part but for some reason, she was able to make it seem not so scary.
Two weeks, minus one day.  One more thing off the list of things I want to do just once, just to know what it’s like.  It’s been on the list of goals for about 4 years.  Yep, I’m scared, yep, I’m worried but sometimes, you just have to pull up your odd socks and walk like you’re the queen.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tracy?! Do tell... and you know you can call me anytime right... I'm good at talking things through!

Blogger Tracy said...

I know :)

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