Sunday, May 14, 2006
Mini Me
Somewhere along the way I forgot what it's like to be nine years old.

"I'm a very good dancer." She said to me very matter-of-factly.
"And I've also taught myself Karate. I'm very good at it."

I looked at her and smiled.
"Is that so? Have you ever taken lessons?"

She told me that she hadn't. She just knows how to dance.

She put on one of her favourite CDs -- the Minipops.
I was shocked to find out they're still around. I remember dancing to the Minipops in my basement.

She took a pose and waited for the music to start. Within the next few minutes, legs and arms were flying about as she grooved in her own way to the munchkin pop music on the stereo.

I laughed and smiled as I watched her. I remember rainy days spent choreographing dances in the basement. She danced and sang along.
That so would have been me when I was nine years old.


Blogger Megan said...

Don't ya miss those days, dancing like no one's watching, not a care in the world....ahhh...

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