Saturday, July 15, 2006
Hot to Trot
At first I was nervous.  I didn’t know what to expect or even what to do. My friends, being experienced horseback riders were confident in their abilities.  Given it was only the second time I’d been on a horse, I was a little nervous.  After a little hmming, and a little hawing, I figured why not, we should go for it.  We were going to Trot the horses.

When they found out that I was a little nervous because I was not an experienced rider, they found me the gentlest horse.  Funny enough, he also happened to be notably bigger than all the other horses.  So much bigger, that they had to offer me a foot stool so I would be able to mount her.  I was told not to worry and that Daisy was one of the best horses they had.

Daisy was great.  She plodded along quite nicely.  When it came time to trot, I was instructed to hold on tight, and kick the horse in the sides to get her going.  With a good kick she got going.  And no less than 10 seconds later, just when I was starting to get the hang of it, she stopped.  I kicked her again.  Nothing.  I kicked her again, still nothing.  I let her walk for a minute, tried again and still nothing.  

It was a hot day out there.  About 30 degrees.  All I can guess is that my horse was too hot to trot.


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