Monday, September 05, 2005
I'm breaking one of the cardinal rules of posting. Mind you, it's my very own rule.
As I write this, not only am I eating (which means typing flow is often interrupted), but I'm also at work. Yep, it's 3:25 am and I'm at work.
Thankfully, this night has come to the point it has. Yesterday and the night before, at this hour we were still running around getting things done. Tonight, it's quiet. Normally, we don't use the dreaded Q word, for fear of changing the state. However, I think that really only applies if said aloud. Oh, Forbidden fruit. How sweet the taste.

As I sit under flourescent lighting in a strange environment, it's hard to feel comfortable enough to write what I was planning on writing. And it might be best I save you all from the inner workings of my mind. So I think this is it.

You know, I might consider renaming my blog Seinfeld. Just like the show about nothing. This is a post about nothing.


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