Thursday, November 10, 2005
She had the ability to realize the potential in someone. Then she would tell them.  Straight up.  No BS, no bushes, no bats.  She had an innate ability to know, and sense what someone could be, would be, should be – if they wanted it.  

She had the ability to make you realize the humour in your faults.  And although she would point out weaknesses, she spent more time commending your strengths.  Even if you felt your only strength was something so minute, miniscule and ridiculous.  It didn’t matter.  You were good at something.  And she would inevitably find out what it was, and make sure you knew it.

She is someone who has the ability to see a person as a person with potential, not a product of their circumstance.  Excuses didn’t matter to her because they were simply unacceptable.  And really, in her company they were unnecessary.  You never felt like you had to make an excuse for anything.

She is a true version of a nomad.  I will probably have to wait another 5 years before her travels land her near Halifax, or wherever I happen to be.  But really, with her you never know.  And it doesn’t matter how long we’ve been apart, because when we’re hanging out it feels like nothing has ever changed.


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