Wednesday, November 16, 2005
I was the Missing Cast Member of Seinfeld.... I'm sure of it
You know how Seinfeld was a show about nothing? Well, this is a post about nothing. You see, I had about 4 posts planned and I was in the process of narrowing it down. Now, I have nothing. Not because I over-narrowed, but because I just don’t think any of them are fitting anymore.
I wasn’t going to post today, but I didn’t post yesterday, and I thought to my self :
“Self, you must post. It’s been two days, and you promised yourself you would try to write no matter what. There is no reason for not posting.”
Thus I am posting.

The problem, you see, about why this is a Seinfeld post, is I’m at an “it’s all been done stage”. Postmodern, post -Tracy unable to post. (Try making a sentence tree out of that!) Yikes.

The stories of the day are: Ipods on shuffle songs will sometimes get the hint after you flip through the first 120 songs without stopping for more than 10 seconds. Then it starts playing the songs you need to hear. Try it sometime, it works. Strange but true.

And, I lost my thumb ring, and found my thumb ring again. For the fourth time. I know you’re all getting sick of me going on about how I lost it and I should just glue it to me, thus, I’ll save you the drama.

Jewelery Show, 3 days. GULP. Anyone in Halifax area, come by. It’s the Craft Showcase in the gallery at the IWK – Friday 11-2. My roomie and I will be there with lots of fantastic beaded jewellery.

Lost for words. That was the last of the lost ideas. But there are a lot of words in this post. That’s it, I’m calling it a night.

Over and Out.


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