Friday, April 30, 2004
Spreading a little magic....
Oh Larch St Treat Fairy... how we do love thee! For i knew all along that your intentions were nothing but the best. And once again you have outdone yourself!

Here's the story folks... i arrive home on Wednesday night from work. After doing the standard mailbox check, there is a bag of Trail Mix! WOOHOO.... but it get's better... there is also a letter! Complete with a little poem about how the treat fairy did not mean for us to expand horizontaly, and was just trying to bring us good treats-- trust me-- we appreciate them! So i read the poem anxiously, laughing at the craftiness and quality of such writing.
I got told off by one roomie for discouraging treat treats and getting trail mix instead... you can't please everyone. And she does like some parts of the trail mix, just in case you wondering. So Thank you once again! the trailmix is fabulous... it's good for keeping us going!

Oh, how i love having a treat fairy!!!

Thursday, April 22, 2004
I love my job... i will not hit my co--workers
Okay, so today was quite possibly the crappiest day i had at work in a long time. Not only was it stupidly busy, and with crazy off the wall difficult requests, but generalized mass chaos. By 10:00 am the mantra of the day was "i will not hit my co-workers". I was so stressed out i started to think crazy thoughts like maybe i need a cigarette, or a bottle of wine, actually make that two bottles of wine. Oh stress. Oh how i love my job. Basically, someone at work screwed up big time, so it took me about 3 hours to undo and then redo correctly what had gone wrong. That was today, yesterday I spent 2 hours fixing it. Anyhoo, so we told the boss what had happened and she asked the person who had made the error to come and see me to be retrained. So i did that. But as i'm explaining to her what she did wrong, why it is wrong, how to do it right, and how to double check that it is right, she kept interrupting me explaining to me what she does-- so then i would tell her why it was wrong... i hate doing that. On a humourous note though, I was discussing soemthing with a co-worker and i was telling her what had gone wrong (because it affects her work), and she asked me if i had said anything to the other person. So i explained that i had sent an email .... they asked if it was an angry email, and i said no, it was more polite and explanatory. they all said they coulnd't picutre me mad, and if i did get mad, it would prolly be like a ned flanders kind of way. so then we had a good laugh as they tried to impersonate me as best as possible with a ned flanders voice.
On another note, the bake sale went really well. i think we raised about $275 ... so that was good
Anyhoo, i'm supposed to be writing a paper, i just had to get that out of my system. Later gators.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Treat Fairies and Cannibals!
So yesterday we got a crazy awesome loot from the treat fariy :D Thank you oh treat fairy!
So i'm writing a paper, eating candy, talking on MSN and feeling kind of yucky from all the candy i've eaten. As i'm telling my sister, Nadia, how excited I am about the treat fairy, and all the tasty treats which they brought... she says to me, with all honesty, "remember how mom and dad used to check our candy? Do you really think it's safe to eat random stuff that you find in your mailbox?"
Now, i must admit, i laughed, then thought, you know, the kid does have a point. So then this escalated in to a whole bunch of theories.... see, i don't think someone would try to poison us, really, what would that get them. But maybe the treat fairy has a cannibalistic side... they're trying to fatten us up to eat for dinner. Think about it... all the treats we get are treats of tasty goodness.... chcolate and ju-jubes. not the most nutritious, but definately the most delicious. So now I'm gonna keep eating the candy... and just avoid ovens, oversized pots of boiling water and campfires... because hey, you never know.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Greetings friends and loyal readers
how's it going? Well, i'm doing better. Amazing what some sleep can do to you.
So today i'm leaving the library, and I ran into Glenn. It was cool to see him, i haven't seen him in about... well, it's been a long time. So it was good to do the five minute on the fly i'm not so sure really what to say catch up... how do you tell someone that so much has changed in the course of a year. I've always like Glenn-- he used to scare the crap out of me. But I like the fact that you can be honest and abrupt. he tells the story as it is and the world needs more people like that. He told me that they might be getting ready to do a church plant... i hope things work out.
So not much else to say, school is finally winding down, i have a paper to do tonight, a short one. and it's gonna be a fun one to write. I'm doing a life history on my roomie. Then i have a presentation on Friday and another paper for the following friday. then i'm done like dinner!
Anyhoo, i should get going. Time to go to work and file for 8 hours! WOOO HOOOO! Later gators.
happy day to you all.

Sunday, April 11, 2004
So last night, i wrote a blog. then Blogger wouldn't let me post it. I was sad. very sad. In the honour of last night's procrastination, here is the post that would not post:

It's time for my favourite kind of post: the procrastination one. Here I am, 11:18 on a Saturday night, hanging out in the CS building. Masking sniffles and coughs, not to mention eyes that are running like faucets, working away on a paper... well, now I'm taking a break. I'm sitting close to a vent, so I'm a little chilly. I would move, but it is really too much work... I shouldn't be here much longer, although, I've only got 648 words of 3000. Ugh.
What this building really needs is a 24 hour coffee shop. Then I would be a happy camper. Oh, and maybe someone to give me a massage while I work... my neck and shoulders are getting stiff. I think dal should definitely provide a service like that. Okay... enough day dreaming and distractions, I gotta go write like I've never written before.
Over and out
*** Post post update... the paper is now done. No more post-modernism for me!

It's time for my favourite kind of post: the procrastination one. Here I am, 11:18 on a Saturday night, hanging out in the CS building. Masking sniffles and coughs, not to mention eyes that are running like faucets, working away on a paper... well, now I'm taking a break. I'm sitting close to a vent, so I'm a little chilly. I would move, but it is really too much work... I shouldn't be here much longer, although, I've only got 648 words of 3000. Ugh.
What this building really needs is a 24 hour coffee shop. Then I would be a happy camper. Oh, and maybe someone to give me a massage while I work... my neck and shoulders are getting stiff. I think dal should definitely provide a service like that. Okay... enough day dreaming and distractions, I gotta go write like I've never written before.
Over and out

Saturday, April 10, 2004
And now for something new and completely different!
It's time for my favourite kind of post: the procrastination one. Here I am, 11:18 on a Saturday night, hanging out in the CS building. Masking sniffles and coughs, not to mention eyes that are running like faucets, working away on a paper... well, now I'm taking a break. I'm sitting close to a vent, so I'm a little chilly. I would move, but it is really too much work... I shouldn't be here much longer, although, I've only got 648 words of 3000. Ugh.
What this building really needs is a 24 hour coffee shop. Then I would be a happy camper. Oh, and maybe someone to give me a massage while I work... my neck and shoulders are getting stiff. I think dal should definitely provide a service like that. Okay... enough day dreaming and distractions, I gotta go write like I've never written before.
Over and out

back on track
I know, i've been MIA for a while, my apologies. Sometimes it's nice to just disappear for a while. Of course, i've been around and about. And the truth of the matter is that I was without internet for a couple of days. Gasp. Four whole days.
So lets see.... I have a quizzilion things to write, but you know what? I'm sure you do know what... not necessarily the what I was gonna tell you, but you prolly know somewhat.... anyhoo, back to knowing what I was gonna tell you. I'm not sure what to write about. I mean, I could tell you the entire truth, but you'd prolly be really bored and stop reading, or be really procrastinating and looking for something to distract you with.
So babysitting in a nutshell... it was great. I had fun. It's incredible how someone or something can permeate every aspect of your being when you hardly know them. Even when the kids weren't around, all I could think about was what fun activity we could do next, what were they doing at school? Did they like their lunch and recess snack? Someone just got up... are they okay? the list goes on. Kids are great little people. These two were hilarious. I tried to teach them swing dancing... funny stuff. We had fun dancing crazily, making crafts, a pj party, a makeup/dress up dinner party and just hanging out. I could tell you more about what I thought and what I really think, but you'd prolly just think I'm crazy.
but now it is back to the real world for me... school is winding down. Two assignments for Monday, one for Wednesday, a presentation on Friday and a paper the next Friday... Then I'm done for the term. Thank God!!! Anyhoo, I'm off to bed, I'm very sleepy this evening. Bonne nuit mes amies

Thursday, April 01, 2004
The Recent Past and the Recent Future
Wow, today was one of those days where I thought that I could give the energizer bunny a run for his money. Bring it on, I say. I still could. But there is something about running around all day that makes a night out even better.

So tonight I went to Ginger's Tavern with Jen. We went to see James Keelaghan play. And play did he ever. I don't know if it was just the mood I was in, or what, but as soon as he played the opening chord on his guitar, I was suddenly taken away to a different place. James Keelaghan has a voice as rich as chocolate pudding... It's warm and inviting... deep and rich... no matter how much you've had, you want more.
James Keelaghan stands on the stage, about 25 feet away from me. The bar isn't packed, but there aren't any free seats either. He looks out at the crowd and starts telling stories. That's what he does... above all else, his songs are stories. based on truth, based on books he has read, based on what he knows. When he sings, you can't help but believe every word he says. He has a voice rich beyond anything you've ever heard before, and a guitar that knows every in and out of every note ever played. The fiddle in the background, along with the bass guitar add another dimension of richness to the music. Even if you haven't heard the tunes before, they've got that comfortable feeling of old favourites, while they sound fresh and exciting like a new tune.
Keelaghan gets the crowd to sing along. He'll teach you the lines of the chorus, then ask it to be sung in four part harmony. The funny thing is, the audience miraculously hits off a little bit of a harmony... and if not, who cares? We're singing along with one of Canada's greatest folk musicians.
The greatest thing about Keelaghan is the effortlessness that goes in to each song. He takes the time to chat with and joke with the audience between songs. He is having fun and it shows. he looks like just any other regular guy. He looks old enough to be my father, but not old enough that I'd call him an old guy. And when he sings, the world stops. In the tavern, perched on the second floor above Barrington St, I'm oblivious to the rest of the world. All there is right now is James and his guitar, a fiddle player, a bass player, Peculiar beer brewed by the Granite Brewery here in Halifax and a great crowd.
When the show ends, the band makes it's way over to the bar. Part of me wants to join them, but really, what is there to say. It's been a great night. So I put on my coat and walk down the stairs, through the doors and back into the real world.
"In a recent future this is passed
It may not seem this way because
you're in the middle looking out
There is no will be there's just was
Sharply Drawn and clear
The future is sketchy
Though it's close it's never here" (James Keelaghan: A recent future)
