Tuesday, November 29, 2005
I think I'm probably avoiding something pretty big in my inner life, she said, because I'm keeping pretty busy (www.storypeople.com)

When I launched the theory out loud, it made even more sense to me. Everyone else thought it sounded ridiculous. It didn’t matter that much, I was used to it. I know my train of thought and ‘logic’ is a little less than orthodox to most people. But it works for me.

I was walking down the street today, and as per usual, I was counting on a healthy mix of my Ipod and some daydreaming to keep me entertained. The daydreaming naturally turned into self analysis. Something I spend entirely too much time doing.

So the outcome of today’s late session was this theory. If I had applied myself back in the day, and had any sense of discipline, I could have met and exceeded those goals by now. Or could I have? Do people miss their goals because they're not applied? Or because they're afraid. Maybe we pretend to have goals, and plans, because it's an expectation and a value set by society norms.

So the very fact that I have only dabbled in, and not accomplished stuff that I daydream doing, is a testament to the fact that maybe those things aren't so important to me afterall. It's all just something to keep me entertained and occupied for almost every accountable hour of the day.

But you know? At least, I remain entertained.

Monday, November 28, 2005
My Aunt's Aunt

Years ago, my ignorant Upper Canadian self set foot on Nova Scotian terrain.  I made reference to an Aunt (which I then pronounced as Ant).  I was ridiculed by Native Nova Scotians, but determined that I had Ants, not ahhnst.  

I’m not sure when it happened, but I now refer to either of my parent’s sisters as ahh-nts, not ants. Today I was watching a presentation on video in which someone used Ants, and now it struck me as odd. It just didn’t sound right.

Ahh-nts are family.  Ants are pesky little bugs that like to carry away picnic baskets.  Perhaps you have family, who like picnics and may even have a tendency to raid your picnic basket, but they’re not the type of Ant I’m talking about here.  So I’m taking a poll: Ahh-nt vs. Ant

Meanwhile, I think I’ll write a book called “My Aunt’s Ants”.  Depending on how you read that it could be horribly misconstrued.

Today’s update has been brought to you by the letters L for Linguist, T for Tracy and C for no more coffee, I’m switching to Crack light.

To go
The Coburg was believably busy for Sunday afternoon.  That’s always the way.  I debated leaving and passing on the tradition that was once such an integral part of my life.  Boldly, I ordered my coffee in a mug.  I was going to stay.

After surveying the tables which were all full when I arrived, I caught a glimpse of someone leaving.  I waited skittishly.  This table, although a little close to the doors for my liking, was in my favourite section.  And on a busy Sunday afternoon in a coffee shop bustling with students cramming for exams and frantically typing term papers, I didn’t really have a lot of options.

The power of a good cup of coffee, and a great book, can easily help one to ignore present surroundings.  And aside from the occasional glance up from my book, I didn’t notice a whole lot of what was going on around me.  Until he came in.

Tripod under his arm.  Slightly long hair subtly askew.  Blazer oversized with a gray wool sweater underneath and paired with jeans.  He came in, stopped a few feet in front of me and looked around.  I expected him to approach the counter and order a coffee.  He didn’t.  He glanced left, then right, then did a fuller circle of the place.  Maybe he’s looking for someone, I thought.  You never know.  Then, it looked like he found her.  Only, she didn’t know she had been found.

She was working on her laptop at the table directly in front of me.  Whenever I glanced up, the first thing I would see was the corner of a computer screen.  I wish I could see what was on it.  I have a fascination / nosiness for wanting to know what people are reading, or writing, or doing.  I’m curious.  Apparently, so did the boy with the camera, he leaned on in.  Very close.  First, he tried to glance from a distance.  He did a double take, and leaned in a little closer.  I waited for the girl to acknowledge his presence.  Greet him, perhaps.  But nothing.  He leaned in one more time, took one more look. Walked to the other side of the table (presumably for a better look) and then left.

Neither one acknowledged the other person’s presence.  Their encounter left me befuddled and curious.  Wanting to know, more than ever, what was so interesting that was up on her screen.

Sunday, November 27, 2005
I love blank pages
I love blank pages.

I was debating if now was a good time of day to write a blog. Normally, I save them as one of the last things I do before I go to bed.

Everytime I open up Word it’s a blank slate. The several strands of mumble jumble and random thoughts from my head find their way to the page. The emptiness of the blank slate holds nothing but possibilities.

It happens most often that what I intended to write gets lost in the shuffle. Why can’t I follow a plan, ever? Now I don’t even know what this post was going to be about.
It’s been a perfect Sunday afternoon. Spent mostly wandering and dabbling. Started a Carol Shields book today : Unless. I’m not sure where the story is going, but I think I’m going to like it. When that’s done, I’ll be starting Harry Potter – yep, I’m finally jumping on the bandwagon.

But no matter what plans i have that i'm either accomplishing or not, I've always got a blank slate.
Clean, crisp, fresh. So unlike me. And that, i do like.
Alright. Random post. I know.

Thanks, that was fun
I had fun.

I’d tell you more about it, but I’m not even sure I can type at this point.Joan will have a more accurate retelling of the evening.  I don’t think she was drunk. And if she was, it was no where near as drunk as me.  I wanted to have more fun and drink a little more than usual…. So at least I knew I had planned for this.
I had fun though. And I thank Joan and Robin for driving me both ways.  I hope I remembered to say please and thank you.  

If you’re reading this, it means I’m gone to bed.  I wish this one of those blogs with poetry between the lines, but I don’t even think I’ve made it that far.  A girl can dream.  And this girl needs her bed.
The only reason I’m writing is because I told them I probably would.  And I’m anxiously awaiting their posts and their thoughts on the evening.  Right now, it’s bed for me… G’ngiht

Friday, November 25, 2005
Cliff notes on Life
I’m such a cheater.  I just scrapped a blog, because I asked Google what the significance of the meaning and reference I wanted to use was.  The problem is, it was a book.  I book I hadn’t read.  So I asked Google to find the reference and check that it would line up.  Then you would all think I was educated, smart, clever and witty.  Lies. All lies.  And I wouldn’t lie to you, not about something that important.

I made it through High-school and university without Cliff notes, and now all of a sudden.  I turn to them for the real world.  But if you’re going to read the notes, why not just read the book?  Off to do some before bed reading… because, I really do have Great Expectations of myself.  Really.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005
“Are you a librarian by trade?” asked the Dad I had just handed a gift bag too.

“Nope, I’m a linguist”.  I said it with self-affirmation and without missing a beat.  
He looked at me blankly.

I always knew someone would be ready to call me on my credentials sooner or later, so I was ready for him.  I explained that I’ve studied language acquisition, function, development and language barriers/community issues.  

It feels a bit fraudulent to claim to be a linguist.  What I really wanted to go with was that I was ‘One odd sock, or the Queen Bead”.  But that would have really thrown him for a loop.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005
If ever there was a day that should be called a day, today was it.

Today was a day where I didn’t feel like myself. Not even a little.

It was pure chaos. I couldn't seem to get it together. Couldn't tell right from left, top from bottom.
I must have started the day on the wrong foot, although, I was sure I had chosen appropriate footwear.
If you're looking for me, I'm out looking for myself.
Have you seen me lately?

Monday, November 21, 2005
A penny for my thoughts
I had moved beyond franticity and settled nicely into panic mode.  I was externally calm, cool, and collected while inside there were a thousand bells and whistles sounding like alarms.

I was relieved to know that there were two bank tellers working, who both had clients, but no lineup.  I started the lineup.  

When it was my turn, I approached the teller and stated my request.  I needed one roll of toonies, and one roll of loonies.  The request was simple, and the teller assured me it shouldn’t be a problem.
She swiped my debit card and it was all downhill from there.

“hmmm, that’s interesting.” She said with a perplexed wrinkle across her forehead.
I was worried there was a problem with my card, or account.”Are you aware you paid $14 in extra bank fees last month”.

I was aware, and disgruntled, but now was not the time to tackle that.  

“Yep, that’s fine.  I’ll figure it out later, don’t worry about it.”

The lady looked at me as if I was daft.  She proceeded to tell me that all she would have to do is make a phonecall, she pulled out the book to explain the package.  As thrilled as I was about her concern for me, I was in a rush.  So I told her that.  Like that did any good.
The bank teller proceeded to argue with me.  I told her that I was planning on switching my bank account soon enough and I wasn’t concerned about it right now.  It was on the list of things to do for this week, not on the Friday morning of the craft showcase.
We argued a little more.  She tried from every angle and point of view, no matter how many times I told her I was in a rush, and I didn’t want to sign up for anything today without knowing what I was signing up for.  Finally, I submitted so I could get my change and get out of there.

I can’t believe I got suckered into switching my bank account package.  That was the last thing I needed to do on Friday morning.  And it did nothing but move me from internally panicked to externally frantic.  

If only she had offered me a penny for my thoughts.

Friday, November 18, 2005
Queen Bead and The Other Odd Sock
Today was the day.
I’ve spent the past few years, imagining having a table at a craft show/market, and today it happened.  Four years ago, I wouldn’t have thought I’d be selling jewelry, but today we were.  Megan – my roomie, partner in crime and co-conspirator, and I had a table at the STARS Craftshowcase at work.  What’s to be said – it went quite swimmingly!

We’ve both worked diligently on pieces for the past few weeks.  Different shapes, sizes, colours and patterns.  We were happy to watch some of our favourite pieces find homes, and almost relieved when some of our favourite pieces didn’t sell – we can keep them.  As I always say, “what if it goes home with someone who doesn’t love it half as much as I do.  It shouldn’t be hidden, it needs to be shown off to the world”.

A jewelry show it was and jewelry did we show! Lots of our funky necklaces and earrings sold.  Someone walked by and commented that the table was looking a little bare… that was exactly how we planned it.

It’s tough, to watch someone examine your art.  Each piece is an extension of us.  We both work off the rule that you never make a piece that you wouldn’t like yourself.  People rave, people criticize. Jewelry is a personal thing—we don’t all have the same taste.  It was great to willingly and openly share that with people. The fear of rejection has usually paralyzed me from doing so.  I’m now able to take it with a grain of salt, not as salt in a wound.
So, at the risk of sounding Oscar (awards, not grouch) ish there are some people who really made this happen.  You all know who you are… the ones who encouraged us, placed your orders, critiqued very constructively, lent us your dining room table, and told me I’d be nuts if I didn’t go into this thing.  And I’m sorry I disguised it as such a big decision and made you worry.  Very Sorry.  
Today was great.  That’s one less goal on the 5 year list.  And one ecstatic Queen Bead and Other Odd Sock!

Thursday, November 17, 2005
Story of the Day
Can you prove any of the stuff you believe in? my son asked me & when I said that's not how belief works, he nodded & said that's what he thought but he was just checking to make sure he hadn't missed a key point.


No Pressure Over Cappucino
I am a girl of dubious nature.  It’s true.  I cannot tell a lie.  Intertwined with my dubious nature happens to be a set of delightfully ulterior motives.  Delightful because they excite me.  Ulterior because I’m not sure what they fall in line with.  Dubious because I don’t even know if they are ulterior or not.  I’ve never been good at telling.

Lately, I’ve been sampling concepts like hors d’oeuvres.  And eating questions for dessert.  (no, I didn’t write that, it’s an Alanis Morrisette song).

I like to conceptualize things, people, colours, patterns, jewelry, places, music, things and myself.  I love the idea of people as concepts.  And concepts lead to questions.  And we all know, I like dessert.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005
I was the Missing Cast Member of Seinfeld.... I'm sure of it
You know how Seinfeld was a show about nothing? Well, this is a post about nothing. You see, I had about 4 posts planned and I was in the process of narrowing it down. Now, I have nothing. Not because I over-narrowed, but because I just don’t think any of them are fitting anymore.
I wasn’t going to post today, but I didn’t post yesterday, and I thought to my self :
“Self, you must post. It’s been two days, and you promised yourself you would try to write no matter what. There is no reason for not posting.”
Thus I am posting.

The problem, you see, about why this is a Seinfeld post, is I’m at an “it’s all been done stage”. Postmodern, post -Tracy unable to post. (Try making a sentence tree out of that!) Yikes.

The stories of the day are: Ipods on shuffle songs will sometimes get the hint after you flip through the first 120 songs without stopping for more than 10 seconds. Then it starts playing the songs you need to hear. Try it sometime, it works. Strange but true.

And, I lost my thumb ring, and found my thumb ring again. For the fourth time. I know you’re all getting sick of me going on about how I lost it and I should just glue it to me, thus, I’ll save you the drama.

Jewelery Show, 3 days. GULP. Anyone in Halifax area, come by. It’s the Craft Showcase in the gallery at the IWK – Friday 11-2. My roomie and I will be there with lots of fantastic beaded jewellery.

Lost for words. That was the last of the lost ideas. But there are a lot of words in this post. That’s it, I’m calling it a night.

Over and Out.

Sunday, November 13, 2005
My Spidey senses are starting to freak me out.

All week I’ve been under the impression that I had to work in Emerg from 3-11 on Sunday.  When I was in for my shift on Friday, I was looking at the schedule, and I found out I had the day off.  I was supposed to work Monday, not Sunday.   I had planned to have brunch with some friends instead of an evening glass of wine, because I had to work on Sunday.  Another friend invited me to a dessert party, I declined because I was working.  All week, I have planned my Sunday around this shift.

On Saturday night, or Sunday AM, at 3:00 am, the phone rang.  It was Andrea from work.  She apologized for the last minute notice, and the hour of the day, but something had come up and she needed to switch shifts.  Essentially, she asked if I would mind working Sunday and she would work my Monday.  I laughed.  Told her it wasn’t a problem at all.  My Spidey senses had been tingling all week.  And I had already carefully planned my schedule so I could work on Sunday from 3-11.

Saturday, November 12, 2005
I had just hung my coat up.  I yawned a yawn that longed for sleep as I went to relieve the night shifter.  The department was shockingly busy for 7:00 am and I could tell from the expressions on everyone’s faces, that that night was not a night of great rest.  

I met Sandie halfway down the hall.  I was happy to see her as it had been quite some time.  She’s busy with school, and me? Well, I’m busy being me.  She looked especially tired but was also especially smiley.  

“I’m so happy to see you, I want to give you a hug! Is that allowed? I just thought I should warn you before I touch you.”
I laughed, “yes, it’s allowed”.  I gave her a morning/long time no see hug.  
We laughed together.

The fact that she asked first might be an indication is that I startled/flipped out one to many times.  I don’t mean to shudder away, and it’s not repulsion, it’s just a personal space issue.  I’m not opposed to hugs; I just sometimes need a warning.  And really, it wasn’t that bad of a way to start the day.

Thursday, November 10, 2005
She had the ability to realize the potential in someone. Then she would tell them.  Straight up.  No BS, no bushes, no bats.  She had an innate ability to know, and sense what someone could be, would be, should be – if they wanted it.  

She had the ability to make you realize the humour in your faults.  And although she would point out weaknesses, she spent more time commending your strengths.  Even if you felt your only strength was something so minute, miniscule and ridiculous.  It didn’t matter.  You were good at something.  And she would inevitably find out what it was, and make sure you knew it.

She is someone who has the ability to see a person as a person with potential, not a product of their circumstance.  Excuses didn’t matter to her because they were simply unacceptable.  And really, in her company they were unnecessary.  You never felt like you had to make an excuse for anything.

She is a true version of a nomad.  I will probably have to wait another 5 years before her travels land her near Halifax, or wherever I happen to be.  But really, with her you never know.  And it doesn’t matter how long we’ve been apart, because when we’re hanging out it feels like nothing has ever changed.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Second Cup
Nothing like being buzzed in the middle of the day.  
No, I didn’t get into the wine, I was at work from 10-5 pm.  I did, however, get into the coffee and the espresso beans.  

I just ate a healthy supper, and also my first meal of the day.  I’m full, but I feel like I’m waiting for it to soak up some of the caffeine that is currently accounting for my state of perpetual movement. And over giggliness. It was health food, and if there is anything I’ve learned about food and mind altering beverages is the greasier the better.  Yikes, it might be a while for me to wait this out.

So lesson of the day, coffee is just as bad as alcohol.  They both hit hard on an empty stomach.  But I like the fact that coffee can be consumed any time of day, in any place.  Especially at work.  And, it’s hangover free.  So until the buzz fades, I’m going to enjoy being drunk off of coffee.  

Excuse me, I think you're standing on my feet
Apparently not just my own two feet.  There are a whole lot of feet attached to the people who read this.  And I’m sorry a thousand times to everyone I made worry about my ‘big’ decision.

It was cryptic. I was so eager to talk this through myself.  It was the type of decision that I had to make for myself.  I’m sorry, the clues were hidden, the meaning was hidden.  I didn’t mean to make you assume the worst.  There was one line that said the decision was trivial and unimportant.  The decision was whether or not I was going to participate in a craft showcase.  I know, it sounds ridiculous.  Please don’t roll your eyes at me.  Would I ask for a day off of work so I could show and hopefully sell my jewelry at work?  I didn’t want to ask for a day off.  I didn’t know if I should spend more money, more time and more effort on jewelry.  What if it doesn’t sell? What if no one likes it? What if it breaks? What if, What if, What if…. I’ve always been a ‘what if’ kind of girl.

This is a little more important to me than it probably should be.  I’ve always wanted to try having a table at a market or show of some kind.  I’m not sure why, but it’s something I’ve been compelled to do.  It’s on the list of goals I want to accomplish in the next five years.

I didn’t mean to make you worried.  I’m grateful to know you care.  I never doubted it for a second.  I know there are lots of ears out there who would listen to me complain debate, discuss, decide, or even deconstruct the most meaningless little act down to a microscopic molecule.

So yes, I’m entering the craft showcase.  You should come… it’s at the IWK on Friday, November 18th from 11-2.  

And I’m sorry for writing about such a trivial decision in such a cryptic manner on such an over-pensive day.  I will never do it again. But thank you, thank you, thank you.  It’s really great to know so many people are watching out for me.  The fact that I don’t always have to stand on my own two feet is worth more to me than diamonds on the soles of my shoes.

Sunday, November 06, 2005
Desert Rose
The streets were pretty deserted.  Then again, it was 6:45 on a Sunday morning.  If I didn’t have to be at work for 7:00, I can’t guarantee that I would have been awake either.  In fact I can guarantee that I would have been curled up in my bed.  Sleeping soundly, with a toilet – really near by.
(does anyone know that reference?  It’s a little big of anti-pop culture)

So back to the walk.

The colour of the leaves contrasted against the slate gray sky.  The sky matched the tone of the sidewalk that was wet from the overnight rain.  On a straight road all I could see was a long path of gray highlighted by a mixture of fall coloured leaves amassed on either side of the pavement.

The road was clear, except for one figure.  A man, hard to place the age range.  Dressed as if he’s trying to make an impression.  White shirt, black 3 piece suit and a black leather briefcase.  It is then I realize, there is no one around.  No people, no cars.  He going one way, me the other.

It’s the stretch of Robie I hate the most.  In the night, it’s dark.  In the day, it’s long with no where to go.  Cemetery on one side, traffic on the other. Take your pick.

I quicken my walking pace.  As fast as a half asleep girl can walk in the morning.  As we pass, I make eye contact with him.  I do offer a half smile so the glare that really says “don’t mess with me”, doesn’t seem quite as harsh.  He returns the glare, no smile.  We pass without incident.  But then the clincher, always check over the shoulder to make sure you’re not being followed or he didn’t turn around, stop, hide in bushes etc.  I walk another two steps, definitely not more, and turn over my left shoulder.  Funny, he did the same.  Our eyes met yet again.  I don’t think that’s ever happened to me before. He backed down first.

I quicken my pace again, now more alert.  I’m quickly approaching a major intersection which has more comfort than the cemetery.  One more shoulder check confirms that is had kept going and is long passed.  I’m relieved.  By the time I get to work, I’m actually happy to be there.  Well, as happy as a girl who had to be at work for 7 am.

Saturday, November 05, 2005
Twice as cloudy as the night before
When I woke up this morning, my head was no clearer than it was when I went to bed.  In fact, it was so foggy, that I got halfway to work and realized that I didn’t put my glasses on this morning.  Or my rings.  I felt officially disrobed.

Just over eighty songs saw me through the 15 minute walk to work.  I don’t think I listened to anymore than 10 seconds of anyone song.  I couldn’t find what I needed to hear.  The songs were on shuffle, so I was actually waiting for it to find me.  I guess 15 minutes is a short amount of time for the 2500 songs on my ipod to sort themselves out.  
Nonetheless, by the time I arrived at work, I had come to one conclusion: I needed a Magic Eight Ball.  For sure, that would be a no fail approach to decision making.

The morning felt helter skelter.  Aside from not being able to see anything past 5 feet away clearly, or 10 feet away well, things didn’t go so great.  Not wrong, not bad, just awkward.  Most of the people I wanted to visit weren’t in their rooms, items were missing from the bags… little things, the trivial things.

By the time I ran into her, I had already made the decision. Self doubt and the beaten path had won.  I chose the path of least resistance.  Concern and astonishment on her behalf.  It really only takes one sincere look, an “I’m disappointed in you,” and an “I can’t believe you decided that.  You’re nuts. You’re missing your chance”.  Alright, I’ll concur….decision revoked.  Except for the scary part but for some reason, she was able to make it seem not so scary.
Two weeks, minus one day.  One more thing off the list of things I want to do just once, just to know what it’s like.  It’s been on the list of goals for about 4 years.  Yep, I’m scared, yep, I’m worried but sometimes, you just have to pull up your odd socks and walk like you’re the queen.

Thursday, November 03, 2005
My own two feet
I thought I’d try something a little different for a change.  I wanted to stand on my own two feet and find my own path.  No GPS, no compass, and only the occasional road sign.  This was a journey I’d be taking one day at time, step after step on a path of uncertainty.  I was okay with that.  It’s what I wanted.  It’s what works for me now.  But now, where am I now?

It was me who burned the bridge.  It was a conscious decision that took no heed from others.  And as I sit here nurturing my sorrow with hot chocolate and Frank Sinatra (My Way – how fitting) I can’t help but thinking about it.  Not on a small me scale, but in a ‘greater place in the world’ scale.

You see, there is one major flaw in my plan.  I’m a horrible decision maker.  I’m spontaneous which means committing myself to any inkling of a plan is a big blown entirely out of proportion event.  I used to have someone to talk through the trivial things with.  Then eventually, I would come to a decision which was inevitably tainted with expectations of others versus self indulgence.  I’d do what I felt I should do and I would stand firm in my own uncertainty.  Lately, I stand in 3 inch stiletto boots in the middle of uncertainty.  Careful folks, it’s a blustery day.

So tomorrow is the deadline I’ve set for myself to make the decision. Friday, 2 pm.   It’s not even an important decision to the rest of the world.  Like I said, trivial.  But who am I to undermine the world of limitless possibilities.  

For what is a man, what has he got?If not himself, then he has naught.To say the things, he truly feels,And not the words, of one who kneels.The record shows, I took the blows ---And did it my way
  Frank Sinatra – My Way

Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Oh happy day
Oh happy day!

The world is my oyster.

I finished my course in Excel.  I feel that I can now excel and revamp the ridiculous redundancy of data entry we do in the office.  I now know how to streamline the spreadsheets to do everything for us.  Life just got easier.  (If I can remember how to do it).  I can now accelerate my work day with Excel.

I’ve been looking on and off, half assed for a new winter coat.  It’s time for an update.  Today, I stumbled upon a gorgeous coat at a great price.  To leave it there would have been ridiculous.  Please don’t kill me, but I’m eagerly awaiting appropriate jacket wearing weather.   Soon, I will be coated in my new coat.

The Chronicle Herald did a great article about the Read to Me! Program.  I’m pleased.  And quoted.  Very non-descriptly since reporters make me nervous, and I was careful what I said.  Once again, I’m pleased.  

Had a guitar lesson, I’m learning a song with barred chords.  Scary stuff.  It hurts after my lesson, not just fingers, but shoulders too.  Who knew guitar was also a physical workout.  I’m learning a Jack Johnson song, and an Eva Cassidy song too.  I like it. I like it a lot.

On the weekend I ran into some twins I once babysat (for a whole week – live in) and hadn’t seen in a while.  We made plans for next week.  They’re 7 year old girls, so I think I’m going to bring over some beads and help them make some jewelry.  Unless I come up with another activity, but I think they’ll like that.

Read some Dr. Seuss.  The Sneetches.  That’ll teach yas.

Poof! Good bye Proofs! Tomorrow, I order quizzilions of Grad Photos.  My Dad will have something to put on his dartboard.  He’ll be pleased.


Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Do you hear what I hear?
It’s a funny thing how a want, can turn to a need, then to an urgent necessity.  It all happened in less than twenty-four hours.  It had to have been fate, or destiny.

In Japan, I bought a pair of headphones that I really liked.  I bought them in the wrong length.  So while they’re great for around the neck MP3 players, they weren’t much use to me and EEpod the Ipod.  But holy crap did they sound good.  It’s also worth mentioning that they were a different kind of ear bud and I hadn’t seen them in Canada yet.  Until yesterday.

Excited about his new purchase, Andy messaged me to tell me I had to check out his new Sony Earbuds.  I’m a fan of the Sony ones, that’s what I’ve been using for the past year.  When I asked him which ones, he said they were expensive, but I was afraid to ask.
Later that night, I got to try them.  They were exactly like the ones from Japan with that same great sound.  Suddenly, price was simply an amount that will get charged to my Visa.  
I thought I would wait to get them.  Surely they’re not an urgent necessity.   That was how the day started.

After work, I turned on the Ipod and all of a sudden, there was no sound in one of the ears.  Now, it had been giving me trouble all last week, but with the right amount of cord wiggling, it always came back. Today, there was extensive cord wiggling, but it didn’t come back.  And Ipods are meant to be heard in both ears, not just one.  Tomorrow, I’m going to The Sony Store.  This is fate, and who am I to argue that?
