Well, in the event of sheer boredom, I’ve decided it is finally time to get around to doing that which I intended to do long ago, but did not have time. So I suggest you get yourself a cup of coffee, tea, hot chocolate, juice… chocolate milk… whatever you want. But you better get comfy.
100 quirky things you may or may not know about me, the Infamous Tracy Lowe.
1. I am the infamous Tracy Lowe.
2. You can call me Tracy.
3. I’m also part Superhero. True Story.
4. I like to procrastinate.
5. I’ve been meaning to write this list since February.
6. I’m so bored, I considered going to work to file tonight.
7. I’m also very sleepy.
8. I’m watching U2 on TV. I’d rather be watching Dave Matthews, but I’m too lazy to get up and put in the DVD.
9. I wish I could play guitar like Dave Matthews.
10. But I’m too lazy to practice.
11. I’m also too chicken to try to get really good
13. And I don’t think I have the attention span to practice that intensely.
14. I’m already bored of doing this…. There are still 86 more to go.
15. I’m awful at math; it took me longer than it should have to come up with that.
16. I dropped math in high school because I was going to be a journalist.
17. I am a journalist.
18. Only because I journal.
19. I don’t like writing things down.
20. If it is in print, then it is harder to deny.
21. I don’t know if I’ll finish this list.
22. I painted my toenails pink tonight.
23. I like Pink.
24. It is not my favourite colour.
25. I also like blue.
26. and yellow.
27. and red
28. I don’t have a favourite colour.
29. Actually, wait, I do.
30. It’s Dave.
31. Please note that Dave himself is not my favourite colour, but rather it is called Dave.
32. Surprisingly enough, not after Dave Matthews.
33. My guitar is named Evad-Indigo.
34. After Dave Matthews.
35. I’m watching a show about pizza making.
36. Mmmm… pizza.
37. Oh yeah, this list is supposed to be about me.
38. I get easily sidetracked.
39. I’m not even half way there yet.
40. I wonder what Halifax is halfway between?
41. Maybe next year I’ll move to BC
42. Just so I can say I’ve lived on both coasts.
43. Or maybe Alberta.
44. I bet they have Cowboys and Country Music there.
45. I want to learn to line dance.
46. I’d rather learn to swing dance.
47. I long to fall just a little bit, to dance out of the lines and stray from the light.
48. Dar Williams.
49. Mostly I quote Ani Difranco or Utah Phillips.
50. We’re only 10% literal and 90% metaphor.
51. Ani Difranco.
52. Hey, I’m past the half way mark.
53. It’s a good think I’m cheating.
54. I like to count.
55. Fifty Five…. AAAH AAAAh AAAAh AAAAAAh
56. I don’t think they ever counted this high on Sesame Street.
57. Now they’re talking about groupies on Tv
58. I’d rather be a band-aid
59. Almost Famous is one of my favourite movies.
60. That says a lot—I don’t have favourite movies.
61. I don’t really have favourite anythings.
62. It’s too much stress to pick one thing that I like above everything else.
63. That’s why I have multiple lists of favourites.
64. Are you bored yet?
65. I’m honestly trying to think up something clever.
66. My feet are cold.
67. I like to stick my feet outside of the covers when I sleep.
68. I don’t like socks.
69. I do like Sandals.
70. Sometimes I wear both socks and sandals at the same time.
71. I don’t care what you think, I think it’s cool… and practical.
72. I’d rather be able to go bare foot.
73. I almost wrote bear foot.
74. I don’t think my feet look like bear feet.
75. One never knows.
76. But I don’t think Bears would have pink toenails.
77. One never knows.
78. It’s mother’s day in one week.
79. I have to figure out what to do for my mom.
80. I’ll be in Scotland in one week.
81. I’m going to go shopping.
82. A friend asked me to bring back his uncle.
83. I’ll see what I can do.
84. Dave Matthews. Really?
85. Dave Matthews. Really.
86. I’m a linguistics major.
87. I love words and intonation.
88. I’m a big nerd.
89. I’m okay with that.
90. I’m running out of laptop battery.
91. I’m almost done.
92. I bet you haven’t learned anything new about me.
93. If there is anything you want to know, just ask.
94. If I could be a breakfast cereal, I would be Honey Nut Cheerios.
95. Not Granola.
96. Granola is quite yummy.
97. I hope to eat lots of it while hiking the Appalachian Trail
98. I want to hike the Appalachian Trail.
99. I have to say every letter in my head to make sure I remember to type all the letters.
100. I’m done.
**okay, so the list is more like 100 random thoughts from the mind of me... scary stuff eh?