Tonight I rediscovered Jiffy Pop. Thank you, Fantastic Four.
Song of the Day: It's not easy being green. Thank you, Kermit the Frog.
If I owned those white sneakers with the Green racing stripes and green soles that I tried on when I was in Scotland, then I would have had shoes to match what i was wearing today. No thank you, excessive spending.
Today, I had a beaded bracelet and matching earrings, that coincidently matched my new name tag string at work that all matched my new Green T-shirt. Thank you, beading addiction.
I hurt. Thankfully, tomorrow I get to go for a massage. Thank you, in advance, Gina.
Even though I haven't been playing guitar (partly because of the sore shoulder and partly because of laziness), I miss seeing Evad Indigo in the corner. Yesterday I went to visit. Thank you, Gregg and Jon, because I know you're taking good care of her.
I found the DVD case I lost for a rental movie. Thank you Megan, for taking that back for me.
Tommorrow I get to go to a meeting because I was selected to be on a Health Records committe. Thank you, keener sense and wanting to make it a more effiicent progress.
Someday, I will feel a glow just thinking of you and the way you look tonight. Thank you, Frank Sinatra. You really are lovely, with your smile so warm and your cheeks so soft.
Sometimes I chuckle out loud because I think funny thoughts in my head. Thank you, oh overactive imagination.
Adam is in Mexico. Thank you Adam, for the new post and new stories.
I want to buy wedding magazines to help my friend plan her wedding. Thank you, Meghan, for asking me to be part of such a special occasion.
Holly is in Ontario, I miss having her around. Thank you, Holly, for having the courage to move back home to help your mom.
Someone at work told me I was doing a great job. Thank you, for letting me know how appreciated I am.
I like to sing, and maybe even dance a little, while I walk down the street. Thank you, Epod, the Ipod.
Finnigan is playing with a popcorn kernel I dropped on the floor. Thank you, Finnigan, for saving us money on toys.
I love comments on my blog. Thank you, Everyone.
I wish when I woke up it would be a Chelsea Morning. Thank you, Joni Mitchell.
I have to be awake in 6 hours. Thank you, and Goodnight